Assisted Living

Assisted Living is a concept where the elderly people live in a home-like environment being able to do all their day to day activities with just a little assistance wherever required. 

Assisted Living is nothing like a nursing care home, where a patient has to be admitted to the facility to be taken care or have 24*7 watch over them. 

It is a friendly environment where almost all the residents belong to the same age category so the residents of the home environment gel well along with their friends

Assisted living is like an apartment facility where the elderly or the elderly couple can live in a house may be on a rental basis or monthly chargeable basis (depends upon the administration of the facility) and can have assistance for the activities that the elder can opt for like cooking or washing of clothes etc. 

Assisted Living is ideal for seniors who are active, comfortable to socialise with people of their age, may not be living with their children or grandchildren but need assistance in some chores that they do.

Some assisted living facilities also have a restaurant-like facility where all the meals are cooked by in-house cooks, and if the people living there require it, they can step down to the dining area to have the same. They also have the facility of cooking from their own home.

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