Privacy Policy

Personal Data Privacy Policy

  1. The Information Technology Act 2000 – Section 43A;

Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited appreciates your interest in our company and health care facilities. This Privacy Policy outlines how we may use, maintain and disclose any information that you may give us through our website. Please also remember that your use of our website means that you have agreed to abide by all the terms and conditions of this privacy policy. This privacy policy applies to the site and all services offered by Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited. We adhere to the various governing laws such as,

  1. Information We Receive

We receive information in different ways through our website. We reserve the right to treat anonymous or personally identifiable information collected through this website as an asset which may be transferred to a third party in connection with the merger or sale or a portion of our business. The information we receive from users of our website can be categorized as being either anonymous or personally identifiable

Anonymous information refers to information that cannot be tied to a specific individual. Many persons who access our website do not use the personalization features that are available to them through our website, and therefore these individuals are anonymous to us and the data we collect from them does not enable us to identify them in any personal way. For example, we may know that 2,000 users visit our website every day and that 1,000 of them reside in Chennai, but we may not know their names or where they live. All anonymous information we collect through our website is collected when your web browser accesses our website. When you surf the Internet, your web browser automatically transmits information about your preferences to our server every time you visit our website. Also, our server automatically collects the IP (which stands for Internet Protocol) address of the computers that access our website. An IP address is a number that is assigned to your computer when you access the Internet. It is not truly personally identifiable information because many different individuals can access the Internet via the same computer. Please note that although such information is not personally identifiable, we can determine from an IP address a visitor’s Internet Service Provider and the geographic location of his or her point of connectivity.

The anonymous information collected by us through your web browser and our server is used in aggregate form to help us to monitor audience size, measure traffic patterns and identify popular services and information within our website. We use this information to improve our services to you and to help develop improved services based on user interests, behaviour and demographics.

Personally, identifiable information refers to information that tells us information that can be used to identify you, such as your name, address, age, etc. In many cases, we ask for this information to provide the personalized service you wish to use. The amount of personally identifiable information that we know about you is entirely up to you to decide. We will only know personally identifiable information about you, if you choose to share this information about yourself; however, some services may not be available unless we obtain a certain amount of personally identifiable information from you.

We collect personally identifiable information when you voluntarily provide, for instance requesting for a doctor appointment, personalized chat on targeted health information, request on any of other services.

  1. Cookies

In addition, we may also collect anonymous information through the use of “Cookies” When you visit our website for the first time, our server sends a Cookie to your computer’s hard drive through your web browser. A “Cookie” is a small text file that contains a unique identification number that is sent from us and stored on your computer. Cookies enable us to recognize your web browser whenever you visit our website through the unique identification number assigned to the Cookie, and this information is stored to help facilitate your use of the website the next time you visit. If you wish to find out how to prevent your browser from accepting new Cookies, how to disable Cookies and how to monitor when you receive a new Cookie, check the “help” feature of your web browser. However, not accepting or disabling Cookies from our websites may prevent you from accessing certain parts of our websites.

  1. Disclosure of and Access to Information

As a rule, we will not disclose your personally identifiable information to any unaffiliated third party, except when we have your permission or under special circumstances, such as when we need to treat the information collected through this website as an asset in the event of the merger of sale or a portion of our business. Your personally identifiable information may be accessed by our management information services team or an affiliated third party providing technical support or maintenance for us.

If we offer services using or in conjunction with an unaffiliated third party, we may need to share some or all your personally identifiable information with that unaffiliated third party for purposes of providing the services to you. If you do not want your personally identifiable information to be shared, you can choose not to use that service or notify us that you do not wish your personally identifiable information to be shared.

In some circumstances we may be required by law to disclose personally identifiable information. We will do so, in good faith, only to the extent we believe to be required by law. We may also disclose personally identifiable information in special cases when we have reason to believe that disclosing this information is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against a third party who may be violating our terms and conditions governing the use of our website, or who may be (intentionally or unintentionally) causing injury to or interference with your or our rights or property or those of a third party.

We may share anonymous information with third parties. For example, we may match our user information, such as gender and age preferences and usage, with data of these third parties to help develop additional products and services to offer through our website.

  1. Security Measures

Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited has taken reasonable steps and has employed industry-standard practices and technology to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of personally identifiable information; but because even the most secure computer system can be violated, Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited cannot guarantee security.

  1. Use of Information

Please keep in mind that whenever you voluntarily disclose information about yourself in the public domain, for example, through bulletin boards, chat rooms, e-mails, it is likely to be collected and used by third parties. These third parties may use your information to contact you or for unauthorized purposes. Also, please remember that no one can guarantee the absolute security of information transmitted electronically.

Managing your Personally Identifiable Information, we strongly believe in providing you with the ability to opt-out of providing personally identifiable to us, and to access and edit any information you may have provided to us about yourself.

Accordingly, at any time, you may amend, update the information about you (or your child(ren)) contained in any registration profile you have completed with us, including any and all personally identifiable information by mailing your request to: Chief Executive Officer: No, 13 Raghavaiah Road, T. Nagar Chennai – 17, Tamil Nadu, India.

  1. Links

Our website may contain links to other sites. These links are for your convenience only, and Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited makes no representations or endorsements whatsoever regarding such other sites. You should review the privacy policies of other sites carefully before providing any information to such website Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited is not responsible for the privacy policies or procedures or the content of any other website.

Changes to privacy policy Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited centre may modify or change this privacy policy at any time. Such modifications or changes become effective immediately when they are posted to this website. You agree to review this privacy policy frequently so that you will be familiar with the terms. You further agree that each time you use this website that you are, by such use, consenting to the terms of this privacy policy that are applicable at your time of use.

  1. Children

We are committed to protecting children’s privacy on the Internet and we do not knowingly collect personal information from children.

  1. Disclaimer of Liability

Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited does not make any express or implied warranties, representations or endorsements whatsoever (including, without limitation, warranties of title or no infringement, or the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) regarding information, content or items appearing on this website.

Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited does not warrant that downloads from the website will be free of any virus, worm, Trojan horse or other data altering or contaminating components. You are responsible for ensuring that you have implemented procedures to prevent such contaminating components from infecting your computer and its data.

While Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited tries to keep the information on this website both accurate and up-to-date, Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, correctness, usefulness, or applicability of any information, or other data or items appearing on this website.

Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited will not be liable in any event to any user of this service for any decision made or action taken in reliance upon the information, content, or other items presented on this website

In no event shall Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, punitive, or any other monetary or other damages, fees, fines, penalties, or liabilities arising out of or relating in any way to this website, or websites accessed through this website, and/or their content or information. A user’s sole and exclusive remedy for dissatisfaction with the website is to stop using the website.

Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited does not guarantee continuous or uninterrupted access to this website, and operation of this website may be interfered with by factors beyond Soulful Innovative Care Private Limited system’s control.


Your continued use of this website constitutes your agreement to this privacy policy. This privacy policy forms an agreement that is entered into and is subject to the laws of the land. Those laws will apply, except the choice of law statutes, in construing and interpreting this agreement.

If any provision of this agreement is held to be unenforceable, invalid, void or voidable, by a court or other tribunal of competent jurisdiction, then such provision shall be given a limited effect or shall be eliminated to the extent necessary so that the remaining provisions of this agreement remain in full force and effect.

Contact Information

If you have questions about this privacy policy or any other questions concerning the website

please contact: Chief Executive Officer, No, 13 Raghavaiah Road, T. Nagar Chennai – 17, Tamil Nadu, India. 044 4863 8555.

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